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Rooted Intuition is focused on providing whole-life wellness for and beyond the individual.


What does that mean?


- Services are provided for individuals, such as massage, life-coaching, oracle card readings, and other healing guidance.


- As well, services are offered for organizations, businesses, and other groups that can benefit the whole. Racial healing workshops and trainings are provided, social and emotional growth is a topic many organizations are focusing to improve, and even company wide life coaching services are an option to provide for staff!

What I have to offer:

  • Openness - I am willing to be vulnerable, honest, and believe the hard topics are the most important to discuss

  • Experience - 10 years of my own personal development through counseling and programs, 20+ years of activism, 18 years as an educator for youth and adults

  • Grace - I genuinely accept that which is & when that is difficult for me, I look within myself to understand.

Image by Katie Burkhart

Short Bio




I am an educator by trade. I've taught middle school social studies for 8 years, since 2004. During my time "out of the classroom",  I was active in public education through curriculum writing, PhD. attempting, professional development creating, and conference attending. ( dork right here!)


I am an anti-racist, social justice advocate who is 100% committed to doing everything in my power to perpetuate equity. The work begins, and will forever continue, within myself. I envision a world of true peace and filling every space with all that empowers its expanse.


I am a firm believer in growth, vulnerability, rebellion, and an honest willingness to investigate anything I think I 'know'.


I love to research anything - for almost any reason...but I'm learning to use timers so I don't get lost in the land of rabbit holes!


I am a Highly Sensitive Person, a pretty damn good wife, and a mother who is trying to ignore her very loud inner-critic. 


**I am also quite aware that the ego part of me just had a chance to dance and sing while I typed that...which was fun!


I believe that my spirit, energy, and essence are connected to every being in this expansive universe and that we are truly one.

Committed to working toward equity.  Committed to dismantling white supremacy.  Committed to doing the work.

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